From the heart of Himalayas, MUSKHANE...

It was on a mission to Katmandu for Handicap International that Thierry and Valérie discovered Nepal and the Himalayan région . When they completed their contract, the couple decided to suggest a project to that association: they would carry out a study of equitable commerce in the Himalayan region. This led them into contact and dialogue with the artisans of the valley of Katmandu — some of whom were to become their suppliers.

They created MUSKHANE in 2003 and put down roots in Katmandu. Today, a small team coordinates the production and the preparation of orders, while the finishing of the products is assured by a precious trio of couturiers with magic fingers.

After 15 years in Nepal, Valérie, Thierry, and their children have come back to France, where they now pilot operations from the heart of the French Alps, in Annecy.

MUSKHANE’s products are hand-made in the workshops of the Katmandu Valley. They are composed entirely of natural, renewable materials.

The working of these natural fibres is the special expertise of Nepalese artisans. Their handicraft continues to evolve technically, thanks to creative innovations and quality controls introduced by the brand.

The quality of the wools, the strict attention to detail, and the care that goes into each of MUSKHANE’s products bring forth our line of unique objects, infused with softness and harmony.